08 Sep 2024

Divyansh's Top Picks - TV Shows

Breaking Bad cover

Breaking Bad

"I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!" - Walter White

Woho! What a story!!!! A Must must watch

Game of Thrones cover

Game of Thrones

This had be here. You already know :)

Dexter cover


A wild ride with a darkly cool twist. Total mind-bender!

How I Met Your Mother cover

How I Met Your Mother

A top-notch sitcom that's hilariously funny and hopelessly romantic. You will love Ted, Barney, and the gang!

"Suit up!"

The Big Bang Theory cover

The Big Bang Theory

If being geeky and nerdy is cool, 'The Big Bang Theory' sets the bar. Filled with epic laughs and lovable characters.

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